
Using a ReadWriteFile Class

The most common way of working with video game file formats in the vgio library is a class derived from the ReadWriteFile class. You can create instances of this class by loading from a file or from scratch.

To load a video game file format object from a file use the open(file, mode='r') classmethod on the derived ReadWriteFile class. Because ReadWriteFile is a base class this example will use the Quake Mdl model format:

>>> from vgio.quake.mdl import Mdl
>>> mdl_file = Mdl.open('armor.mdl')

If successful, it will return an Mdl object. You can now use instance attributes to examine the file contents:

>>> print(mdl_file.version)
>>> print(mdl_file.identifier)

Using an ArchiveFile Class

It is common for video games to bundle their files in an archive and the vgio library provides classes derived from ArchiveFile and ArchiveInfo to work with that data.


An ArchiveFile object must be created using a file or file-like object.

Since the ArchiveFile is a base class, this example will use the Duke3D GrpFile archive format:

>>> from vgio.duke3d.grp import GrpFile
>>> grp_file = GrpFile('DUKE3D.GRP')

If successful, it will return an GrpFile object. You can now get a GrpInfo object and can use the instance attributes to examine the file contents:

>>> info = grp_file.infolist()[0]
>>> print(info.filename)
>>> print(info.file_size)